Have you received a traffic ticket and don't know what to do with it? Would you like to fight that
ticket? Do you know how to fight the traffic ticket in Orlando? Do you have the time to fight the
ticket? Are you thinking of simply paying the ticket or electing traffic school and getting it over with?
We understand that getting a ticket is not fun, but dealing with it should not be a difficult experience if
you hire an experienced and aggressive attorney.
You do not have to pay your ticket or have to fight it alone. You have another option. Why not take
that ticket to court through the The Orlando Law Firm P.L.? The Orlando Law Firm P.L. can vigorously fight that
ticket for you.
We do all the work and appear on your behalf.
Call for a free initial consultation.
No Office visit is required.
Attendance in Court is not typically required.

Some of the typical traffic tickets that The Orlando Law Firm P.L. handles are:
- Speeding Tickets
- Stop Signs
- Red Lights
- Red Light Camera
- No Insurance
- Failure to Yield a Right of Way
- Seat Belt Violations
- Child Safety Restraint
- Accident Tickets
We also handle traffic criminal cases which typically are misdemeanors and carry possibility of jail time.
- Driving Under the Influence
- Reckless Driving
- Leaving the Scene
- Racing
- Driving with a Suspended License
- Open Container
Most traffic violations carry points with them. Points impact your insurance rates. If you pay the
ticket, you are admitting guilt and you are getting the points on your driving record. This will cost you
long-term as your insurance premiums will very likely increase. Additionally, if you accumulate too
many points, you risk losing your driver's license.
The Orlando Law Firm P.L. embraces an aggressive approach to fighting your ticket and ultimately seeking to
get it dismissed. We look at the basis and legality of the initial stop. We tackle administrative and
technical issues having to do with the maintenance of the police equipment such as radar calibration
records among others. We are very knowledgeable about all the technical rules and requirements that
police have to follow when issuing you a ticket. Failure of the police to follow these rules and
requirements could result in a dismissal of your ticket.
If we cannot get your ticket dismissed, we will seek to eliminate the points that are associated with the
traffic ticket. This way we would be avoiding an increase in your insurance rates in the future or any
potential driver's license suspension.
At The Orlando Law Firm P.L., we can take on your ticket case for a low flat fee. Call us today to find out
more about these options.
Call today for a free initial consultation.